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Therizinosaurus was a theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous, approximately 70 million years ago, in what is now Central Asia, specifically in Mongolia. This genus is one of the most striking and distinctive among dinosaurs due to its unusual combination of characteristics. Although it belongs to the group of theropods, which were mostly carnivorous, Therizinosaurus is considered a herbivore, a rarity in this lineage. Its name means "scythe lizard", in reference to its giant claws, which are one of the most impressive and recognizable features of its anatomy.

General Characteristics of Therizinosaurus
Therizinosaurus was a large dinosaur, with an estimated length of between 9 and 10 meters and a weight of up to 5 tons. It had a bulky and robust body, with relatively short hind legs, suggesting that it was not an agile or fast animal, unlike other more active theropods such as dromaeosaurs. Its hind legs were well adapted to support its weight, while its feet featured three toes with large claws, although these were not as noticeable as those on its front limbs.

The most outstanding feature of this dinosaur was its front claws. Therizinosaurus had extremely long and powerful arms that ended in claws up to 1 meter in length, the longest of any known animal. These claws were probably not used for hunting, but for other functions such as defense, plant manipulation or accessing tall vegetation. These claws were curved and sharp, with a slender structure that gave them a "scythe-like" appearance, which reinforces its name.

Another distinctive feature of this dinosaur was its long neck, which allowed it to reach vegetation high in trees. Its skull, relatively small compared to its body, housed a jaw with leaf-shaped teeth, specialized for cutting plants. This dentition suggests that Therizinosaurus was a herbivore, despite being classified within the carnivorous theropods. Its diet likely consisted of a mix of ferns, cycads, and other Cretaceous plants.

Therizinosaurus Skeleton
The Therizinosaurus skeleton is unique in many ways. Below are some of the main features of its bone structure:

Skull: The Therizinosaurus skull was relatively small and light compared to its body. It had a jaw with teeth adapted for cutting vegetation. Unlike other theropods, its mouth was not equipped for tearing flesh, but rather for chewing and crushing plants.

Neck: The neck was long and flexible, which likely allowed it to reach different heights of vegetation. The cervical vertebrae were elongated, an adaptation that facilitated this range of motion.

Arms and Hands: Therizinosaurus' arms were incredibly long and robust, with a humerus, radius, and ulna of outsized proportions. Each hand had three fingers, but most striking were the long, sharp claws found on each of them. These claws, which could measure up to 1 metre in length, are the longest ever found in a dinosaur. Although their exact use is unknown, it is believed that they could have been used to tear branches, manipulate objects or for defence against predators.

Spine and body: The structure of its torso was wide and bulky, suggesting that it had a large digestive system, typical of herbivores. The rib cage was very developed and its ribs formed a wide abdominal cavity, similar to that of modern herbivores such as giant sloths. The dorsal and lumbar vertebrae were strong to support its weight.

Hind legs: The hind legs were strong but relatively short compared to its body. It had three toes on each foot, and each toe was provided with a claw smaller than those on its hands. These legs gave it a bipedal stance, but due to its weight and size, it was not an agile runner, which reinforces its herbivorous nature.

Tail: Therizinosaurus' tail was long and heavy, likely used as a counterweight to balance its body, especially given the large size of its torso and elongated neck. The caudal vertebrae were robust and provided stability.

Performance and Behavior
Although Therizinosaurus is primarily known for its giant claws, its body was adapted for a life of quiet foraging. It is thought to have been a slow-moving herbivore in search of tall, dense vegetation. Its long arms and sharp claws would have allowed it to tear off branches or access hard-to-reach plants, which would have given it a competitive advantage in its environment.

As for defense, Therizinosaurus' claws would have been a formidable weapon against predators such as the tyrannosaurids that were its contemporaries. Although it was not a fast animal, its size, powerful limbs, and claws probably made it difficult prey to attack.

Importance in Paleontology
Therizinosaurus has been the subject of considerable interest among paleontologists due to its unusual features. Its discovery helped reshape the understanding of diversity within theropods, showing that not all theropods were carnivorous and that some, such as Therizinosaurus, adopted a herbivorous lifestyle. Adaptations in its skeleton and dentition have helped to understand how theropod dinosaurs evolved towards more specialized diets and behaviors.

Museum-quality replicas due to their high degree of scientific rigor.

Approximate measurements of the Therizino:

  • 1:10 scale Assembly kit
    • Length 786 mm
    • Height 560 mm
    • Width 195 mm
    • Snout-tail length 1000 mm
    • Includes supports
    • Solid replica
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