The Phrynosoma platyrhinos is a specialized predator, which feeds mainly on ants, although it also consumes other insects when necessary. Its diet is closely linked to the availability of these prey in its environment, making it a species vulnerable to environmental changes.
In the context of the Anthropocene, the current geological era marked by the predominant influence of human activity on the planet, the performance of this lizard has faced significant challenges. The destruction of its habitat, urban expansion, climate change and landscape fragmentation have severely affected its ability to find food and shelter. Rising temperatures and accelerated desertification alter the dynamics of ant populations, its main source of food, which impacts the lizard's survival.
In addition, the introduction of invasive species, such as certain plants that alter the ecosystem, has changed the structure of the Phrynosoma platyrhinos habitat, hindering its ability to camouflage and protect itself from predators. Also, the fragmentation of the territory by human infrastructure such as roads increases the risk of mortality from road accidents.
Although this species has remarkable physiological adaptations to survive in extreme environments, such as its ability to obtain water from its diet or directly from morning dew, the pressures of the Anthropocene have put its resilience to the test. To ensure its survival, it will be crucial to address the conservation of its habitats, the reduction of environmental fragmentation and the mitigation of the effects of climate change in the arid ecosystems where it lives.
Approximate measurements Horned Lizard:
- Scale 1:1 Complete
- Length without tail 80 mm
- Snout-tail length 120 mm
- Replica size: 102 mm long x 55 mm high x 70 mm wide