We paint your miniature
If you want to get a custom professional painting service of your favorite replica, you just have to ask to make it happen! You will get a unique piece and everything from this same platform.
We will open a private chat between you and the painter so that you can talk about the color palette, the finish of the model and so that you can follow the process first line, for which the first thing we will do is send you a starting sketch of your replica.
Keep in mind that this process is done on demand once you order the replica, so the delivery time is somewhat longer than for unpainted models.
With the right color palette, the artist will layer paint with precision and patience. Special attention will be paid to the characteristic anatomical details of each species to be represented, in order to achieve a realistic and natural appearance, using techniques such as blur, light and shadow, textures, and the application of subtle brushstrokes to finish off the details.
Below you can see some of the replicas that have already been painted by our team, to give you an idea of what yours could be like:
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