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Based on 180 reviews
Amazing! Full marks to the artist who custom paints my replicas!

It's simply breathtaking!

The 3D printed replica of the Archeotherium mortoni is astonishing; full credit must go to the amazing artist who custom paints my ordered models!! Thanks to (Javi)!

Thylacoleo carnifex
Michael Preuß

Very good Item

Thanks Michael

Styracosaurus albertensis
jose antonio sanchez gutierrez
Styracosaurus Albertensis

Esta magnificamrnte terminado, y muy impactante al verlo, esta genial, un gran trabajo de reconstruccion.

Dorudon atrox
Jacques Gelineau

Très beau travail bravo

Macrauchenia patachonica

Amazingly dynamic model.

Mixotoxodon larensis

Amazingly dynamic model.

Hippotragus leucophaeus

Amazingly dynamic model

Chasmosaurus belli
Antonio E. Encina García

Excelente reproducción y atención al cliente. Repetiremos

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis
Juan Antonio Herrero Larrio

Muy buena figura buena pose y expresividad muy contento con la figura la recomiendo .

I go to Dinosauria Creatures for my best projects the prints are the cleanest and the best. This one is like all the others

Chad Alire

Packed well and the print is as good as it gets.

Like always well packed and the print is very good clean up is as easy as it comes.
I live in the US and I got to Dinosauria Creatures because they have the best prints cleanest and best selection all on one sight.

Packed very well on a small delicate model. Even though the smaller dinosaur at 35 scale it is very detailed.

Chad Alire

Well packed with care.
Detail on the model is amazing and print is as clean as it gets

Turiasaurus riodevensis
Le Phuong Hoang
Turiasaurus Riodevensis

It is a fabulous model. Amazing paint scheme and the best service (printing, painting, packaging) out of all dino shops that i have ever place my orders.

Seymouria baylorensis
Béla Kádár
The amphibian

The enigmatic "amphibian" mentioned in the BBC tv series Walking With Monsters. The model is very good, well-detailed, the printing is perfect!

Aguja's horned face

You have to try hard to show me a ceratopsian a don't like. ;) Being my favourite dinosaur group, I couldn't hold myself from purchasing. :) My ceratopsian species collection is almost complete with it.

Another great project completed

My first aquatic reptile and what a great model to start with. I did have to do a very minor modification to make one of the Ichthyosaurs fit, but that all adds to the fun. I got the inspiration for the colours from chatting to one of the fossil hunters in Charmouth, Dorset and at the Etches Collection at Kimmeridge.

As with all the products this was well packaged and prompt delivery, Thank you Fernando for the extra gift, a loverly surprise.

Now for the hard part what Dinosaur to choose to do next.

Another great model

I had to get this model to celebrate the 200th anniversary of it's naming. As with all Dinosauria products the detail is superb.
I really enjoyed painting this one.

One of my favourites

This is my first model I brought from Dinosauria and it wasn't my last I keep coming back.
I brought the 1:4 scale of Archaeopteryx and the detail is amazing, from James review the 1:1 looks fantastic.
The service was great and delivery punctual and well packaged

Great product

Another great model with amazing detail from Dinosauria. I've brought several dinosaur models from this company and all have been well packaged and the level of service is brilliant. The model arrived
in the time frame stated along with a small gift. Thank you to all those at Dinosauria I will be placing another order soon.

Discokeryx xiezhi
Daniel Felts


Tiktaalik roseae
Simon Wright
Another excellent product

My seventh project with these guys and again it really looked very excellent and realistic can’t really do it justice on photos, highly recommend fantastic thanks.

Another incredible piece

Again.. yet another fantastic model and superbly painted to an incredible standard looks super realistic and a great representation.

It is a very beautiful product. My wishes were fulfilled and I like the paint, that makes the amphibious skin realistic. Would recommend it to everyone!